Merit is one big community, and one of the best ways to contribute is to get involved. no matter what your level of technical expertise is, there is something you can do to help.
The first thing you can do to help strengthen the Merit community is to grow it. Unlike other digital currencies, Merit has been relentlessly focused on building great software before trying to build a large following.
Instead of doing an ICO or working to build hype through formal marketing, we’ve been heads-down building an innovative new take on digital currency. We believe that the community-focus of Merit and the powerful growth mining incentives will make each and every one of us the driver of Merit’s growth; not some central company or authority.
Merit makes it especially easy to spread the word! We’ll show you how, whether you are using the Desktop or the Mobile wallet, below.
Share your address or alias with friends and colleagues.
Friends enter your alias (or address) in the Unlock Code field of their Merit Wallet.
You will receive a notification and will be able to confirm their invitation through your wallet.
Don’t forget! Each of us has a limited number of invitations. Once you have confirmed an invitation, you have effectively spent it and cannot get it back. Please remember that a community is only strong as the people in it – be thoughtful about who you invite into the Merit Community.
Because invites are scarce, and because people may choose to post their codes publicly, each invite must be confirmed by the sender. So, once your friends simply enter your alias as their unlock code when they first open the wallet, you will receive a notification on your desktop or mobile wallet.
If they have chosen an alias, you will see the Alias in the “invitation request.” If they have chosen to remain anonymous, then you may need to check their address with them manually to be sure you are confirming the right person. Until you confirm the invitation request, they will not be able to transact on the Merit network, which includes buying or mining Merit.
Merit is the world’s first Digital Currency to create awesome and innovative incentives for growing the community. With Growth Mining anyone who invites new members to the Merit community is entered into the Growth Mining lottery for every block that is issued. (Which is about once per minute.) The more you share, and the more active your Merit Community is, the higher your chances are of earning a mining reward in each block. You not even need a computer to be an ambassador.
With Merit, security mining is easy, rewarding, and much more egalitarian than other digital currencies. Merit security mining can be done on a desktop or laptop computer running Mac OS, Windows, or Linux. To make it even easier to Mine merit, we have included the mining functionality in the Desktop Wallet. To enable it you, can follow the instructions for your operating system below.
Many have heard the term mining in the context of earning a digital currency through the use of computing power. What most are not aware of is that this computing power is used to secure the network. The Merit network is unique in that it features a second type of mining, known has Growth Mining. Whereas other digital currencies only reward one type of behavior (securing the network) through mining, Merit rewards two: securing the network and growing the network. Growth mining is covered above (and also covered in-depth in our mining primer), and this section refers to security (or classic) mining.
If you are a more advanced user, you can follow the command-line instructions for your operating system below.
Heads up! If you are unfamiliar with security mining, here are a couple things you should know.
Processing & Memory
Security mining utilizes a significant amount of your computer’s processing and memory. You may want to disable it when you are using your computer to do something demanding (such as watching videos or creating art.)
While mining, your computer is likely to produce more heat, which will probably cause its internal fans to run. This should produce an audible humming sound, which is nothing to be alarmed about.
While mining, your computer will utilize more electricity. The amount used will vary by computer, but can be measured with a special outlet adapter that measures power draw.
Select your operating system below to see detailed instructions on mining:
Open the desktop wallet Double-click the Merit Wallet application in the applications folder. If it’s already running, click the icon on the taskbar to bring it to the foreground.
Select Mining from the Top Menu. From the top dropdown menu, click select mining.
Click ‘Start Mining’. From the mining dropdow, you simply click ‘start mining.’
Click ‘Stop Mining’ Whenever you’d like to stop or pause mining, you can simply select ‘stop mining’ from the same dropdown.
Open the desktop wallet Double-click the Merit Wallet application in the applications folder. If it’s already running, click the icon on the taskbar to bring it to the foreground.
Click on Help -> Debug Window. From the top dropdown menu, click Help, which is the rightmost option. Drag down to debug window, and click it.tion.
Click the Console Tab. Click the console tab, which is the second from the left.
Type “setmining true” Without quotes, you should enter ‘setmining true’ and press enter.
Open the desktop wallet Double-click the Merit Wallet application in the applications folder. If it’s already running, click the icon on the taskbar to bring it to the foreground.
Select Mining from the Top Menu. From the top dropdown menu, click select mining.
Click ‘Start Mining’. From the mining dropdow, you simply click ‘start mining.’
Click ‘Stop Mining’ Whenever you’d like to stop or pause mining, you can simply select ‘stop mining’ from the same dropdown.
Open the desktop wallet Double-click the Merit Wallet application in the applications folder. If it’s already running, click the icon on the taskbar to bring it to the foreground.
Click on Help -> Debug Window. From the top dropdown menu, click Help, which is the rightmost option. Drag down to debug window, and click it.tion.
Click the Console Tab. Click the console tab, which is the second from the left.
Open the desktop wallet Double-click the Merit Wallet application in the applications folder. If it’s already running, click the icon on the taskbar to bring it to the foreground.
Select Mining from the Top Menu. From the top dropdown menu, click select mining.
Click ‘Start Mining’. From the mining dropdow, you simply click ‘start mining.’
Click ‘Stop Mining’ Whenever you’d like to stop or pause mining, you can simply select ‘stop mining’ from the same dropdown.
Ensure Merit is Running You can check to be sure that the Merit Daemon is running by entering ps aux | grep meritd
Begin Mining via the CLI Simply type merit-cli setmining true
to begin mining. You may need to add the -conf
flag to ensure that you are pointing to your merit.conf.
Stop Mining via the CLI. Simply type merit-cli setmining false
when you want to stop mining.
That’s it! You can check your activity monitor to be sure that your CPU and Memory are now being more utilized than they were before. This should take a couple minutes to take effect. If you win a mining reward, you will get a Desktop notification, and you will see the transaction show up in the transactions tab of the app.
If you’d like to stop or pause mining, you simply repeat the steps above, but type setmining false instead of setmining true.
Merit is, first and foremost, a community. We cultivate communities in many of the top chat tools and discussion sites.
Have a favorite community that we are not yet a part of? Drop us a line and let us know.
git clone cd merit ./ ./configure make echo -e "rpcuser=meritrpc\nrpcpassword=$(xxd -l 16 -p /dev/urandom)" > "/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Merit/merit.conf"
Merit introduces very significant technical innovations to classic digital currency ecosystem, from the MeritMoney protocol to decentralized Vaults on the blockchain. That’s not to mention being the world’s first invite-only blockchain. Before contributing, you might enjoy learning more about the technical underpinnings of Merit.
Learn moreThe Merit team is small, and is very focused on building and enhancing the core Merit technology. With that said, our community is important to us, and we try to attend events when we are able to.
Monday, May 14, 2018
New York, NY
Money 20/20
Sunday, Oct 21, 2018
Las Vegas, NV
Upcoming Event
Presence Core Team
Sub-Events Private Party
May 14-16, 2018
New York, NY
Money 20/20
Presence Core Team
Sub-Events Private Party
Oct 21-24, 2018
Las Vegas, NV
Have an event in mind that you think we should attend? Don’t hesitate to let us know.
Occasionally, the Merit team engages in special projects that are important to pushing the state of the community forward. When we do, we list them here, seeking volunteers or explaining how you can help.
Active projects
Getting merit into the apple app store.
Merit is open-source, from the core protocol all the way up to the Mobile Wallet application. We have even open-sourced the server code that serves as the backend for our mobile wallet. One of the most deep and meaningful ways to contribute to the Merit community is to contribute to the Merit code.
Merit is currently working with the Apple App Store team to help them evaluate Merit as a currency, to add it to the officially supported list of currencies.
How you can help:
Apple cares about the feedback of customers and the community. Letting them know that you’d like to see Merit in the App Store will help inform their decision.
Hey @Apple. I am very excited about @Merit and would love to see the Mobile Wallet in the App Store!
Hi Apple Team,
I am a user of a new Digital Currency called Merit. I would really like to see the open-source Mobile Wallet listed on the App Store.
Merit is invite-only. You can apply for an invite below and get an answer from the Merit Community in less than 15 minutes.
- or -
Already have an invite? Get one of our easy-to-use wallets below!