Setting up your first Merit Wallet

Welcome! We love having new members of the community and want to make sure your first steps in the Merit World are smooth and easy.


An unlocked Merit Wallet gives you access to the Merit ecosystem and let’s you buy, sell, and mine MRT (that’s our fancy acronym for the Merit coin). Unlocked? What’s that? Well, Merit is an invite only network. We designed it this way for many reasons, but for now, it’s enough to know that you’ll need to receive an invite token from someone already in the network in order to get an unlocked wallet.

Your Merit wallet can be created with an alias (like a username). This alias cannot be changed once your wallet is unlocked, so choose carefully. You don’t have to pick an alias, but if you do, friends will be able to send you MRT at @coolbob instead of MEdscn9c8msPs4Mk4rN1V3PsWsBYYkgL86, that’s better, right? Right.

So that’s enough to get us going: let’s create that wallet. In this article, we’re going to walk you through getting setup with the Merit Web Wallet, there are other ways to setup a Merit Wallet, but for simplicity, we’ll just start here.


You will need the address of alias of someone already in the network to get started. There are three possibilities here:

  • If you have an invite link that looks like this: just give it a click and you will be automatically directed to the web wallet.

  • If you just have someone’s address or alias, follow this link , click on the Web Wallet icon and choose “I received an invite to Merit from someone I know”:

    ![](/uploads/2018/08/web-wallet .png)

  • If you don’t have either, follow the instructions here:


If you followed an invite link, the Invite Code field will be pre-populated for you. Otherwise, enter the alias or address of the person who offered to send you an invite token.


Choose your alias!


Follow the in-app onboarding instructions and be sure to record your 12 word passphrase and store it safely. This is the only way you’ll be able to access your wallet and your merit if you are ever logged out.


Remind the person who invited you to send you an invite token to unlock your wallet! Once you see this transaction pop up under Latest Transactions, the yellow warning bar will go away and you’ll be ready to buy and sell Merit!


You are now officially set up and ready to go. Welcome to Merit!

Watch the whole process below and join us on Discord to keep up with the latest and connect with the entire Merit community.

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Merit is invite-only. You can apply for an invite below and get an answer from the Merit Community in less than 15 minutes.

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Already have an invite? Get one of our easy-to-use wallets below!